Best Kept Village sign

Best Kept Village Competition 2024

Earlier this year the Parish Council entered Chenies in this competition as has been done for very many years. Yet again we were awarded a Certificate of Merit, for achieving 80%.  We actually scored 165 points out of 200 – the winners in our category were Weedon with 179. Very many thanks to the villagers […]

Footpaths flooded in the Chess Valley – UPDATED 5-Sep-24

River levels have dropped slightly.  Throughout the parish, the Chess Valley Walk is passable – there are a few softer bits but no more mud than should be expected on any country walk.  For more detail, see below… From west to east – the numbers refer to the locations on the map below… Chess Valley […]

Repairs completed on road sign

Repair work and repainting has recently been completed on the finger post sign on the village green. Donato Cinicolo, who carried out the works, has written an article about it which can be downloaded here There is more information about finger post signs and their history in the wikipedia entry at  

Newly planted tree on the Village Green

Tree planted to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Funded by a donation from a past resident of the village, we have planted a hornbeam on The Green to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee last year. With regular watering in dry periods, we hope it will, like the nearby oak tree marking the Silver Jubilee of King George V in 1935, eventually grow into […]

Village Pond clear-up in progress

Did you know we have a Village Pond? – updated

You’ve probably driven past it hundreds of times – it’s next to the entrance to the Cricket Club.  For many years it had been overgrown, covered in brambles, wild roses and hawthorn.  But now you can see it again. Thank you to the dozen or so volunteers who helped cut down and clear the vegetation […]

Seats on Holloway Lane

New seats installed around the village

The Parish Council, assisted by donations from Chenies Village Society and an ex-resident of the village, have installed seats at 3 locations around the village.  These are :- In Placehouse Copse – in memory of Sir John Quinton On the Greensward – to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee On Holloway Lane – to mark the […]

Best Kept Village sign

Buckinghamshire Best Kept Village Competition

The results are in and Chenies has been awarded a Certificate of Merit with 166 points out of a possible 200.  Weedon was the winner. Chenies Judges Notes Graveyards and surrounds well maintained at Baptist Chapel and church Playing field grass well mowed with some litter around the pavilion. Some of the surrounds looked a […]

Electricity Network Undergrounding

UK Power Networks are now moving forward with this project and you may see teams in the surrounding fields over the coming weeks..  The new network will come into the village from the A404 along Village Road to the green and then down the hill to Chenies Bottom.  Road closures are likely to be in […]

Village Pump

The Village Pump is back

Following an attempt to remove it last year, the village pump has been re-painted and reinstalled by Martin Walker and Rory Murphy using fixtures which it is hoped will be harder to remove.